The following week we went to the Virginia Horse Center to do the the jumper show Thursday and Friday. I took Storm with me because I thought it would be good for him to be overnight again. He was great each day in the TAKE2 meter jumper class. He had a rail down in both jump offs but was super to ride. I also took Rem and Volcan. Volcan won the meter-25 on Thursday. Both horses did the Welcome Stake on Friday and both had a rail in the jump off; Volcan had two rails and Rem had one rail behind. I still got some money and was super pleased with them. I would have stayed for the Grand Prix on Sunday but had no time, and needed to get home and teach and ride the other horses.
Because Storm was qualified for the YEH, I went down to Virginia on Wednesday morning for the five-year-old championships. I was super proud of Storm—he had a nice dressage test, a nice confirmation score, and then on Thursday for the jumping it was raining and crazy wet. I was the last to go before they cancelled the jumping phases. Storm threw a shoe galloping in the warmup, but I went and jumped anyway. It was raining so hard and almost sideways, I could hardly see. It’s amazing how great that horse was and how he handled the whole situation, though. We won the T.I.P. Award from the Jockey Club, and also The American Bred Thoroughbred Award for the highest-scoring horse that's bred in the U.S. Storm ended 7th out of the 29 that were able to jump, the only American Thoroughbred in all the five-year-olds.
I taught a clinic in Colorado this past weekend, now headed back to Virginia to the horses, dogs and Tom.